Marlborough House School, Hawkhurst

Marlborough House School, Hawkhurst

Marlborough House is listed grade II* and the school and its grounds lie in the Local Character Area of Hawkhurst Wooded Farmland within the High Weald/Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The main house is an 18th century Queen Anne country house which was extended and refurbished by the Arts & Crafts architect George Devey and was subsequently altered and extended through the 20th century when it became a private school. The practice was appointed by the Marlborough House School Trust to undertake historic buildings research and provide a statement of significance to inform and support proposals for an extension and refurbishment of the Art/DT block adjacent to the original walled garden. This led to a full condition survey of the significant fabric of main house, stable block, chapel, and boundary walls; with recommendations for priorities for repair and refurbishments over a five to ten-year period.

Fiona Raley